Saturday, July 18, 2009

Champagne toast to our flight home.....self portrait;-)

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The End Of France 2009 Trip

Our summertime 2009 adventure in France is over. We experienced three completely different things during each week:

Week one Paris- tons of history, architecture, art, the hustle and bustle of 20 million people and great cuisine.

Week two- on the Midi Canal- living and working together through the dozens of locks eventually dropping  to the Mediterranean Sea. Seeing this French county side by boat allowed us to take in all the slow paced culture of these ancient towns and traditions. I t was truly really like we were looking at picture book. 

Week three- our own private  3 bedroom-4 bath private villa a few miles from the sea where we relaxed, ate great food, explored the area, swam, read, napped and laughed. 

I have learned that Yo Yo's hair looks great when left alone without modern conveniences ,like a  hairdryer and straightening iron. The men at the locks snapped many a picture of her while she was tending to the boat dressed in her swimsuit at picture point range.

Jessica has the most pretty 'hanging out' clothes that even the Kennedy's would be proud of.. She is always the one making sure everyone else is ok. Thanks.

Tammara! has extraordinarily long legs. She is also a great boat captain and Paris tour guide. Never wanting to the the first one to bed- she did her best to keep us in party mode and sight seeing until we dropped.   

Victoria, the Admiral in Charge of this trip-  can manage a boat, a train, a map,  a car, her family and friends and still keep her cool each evening with a pack of cigarettes and a glass of her favorite beverage. Impressive Oye!

"Lisa Lisa" McDaniel is forever the happy go lucky a person who mastered the French Press so the rest of us could have coffee each day. This was a critical function for our team. She also supplied chips and salty snacks at happy hour when we needed it most.    

Going Home

Sighhhhhhh...............alas it has come to an end. We have had a fantastic adventure and ended yesterday in Nice after spending the afternoon in Monaco. Great experience...... we strolled through the little streets and toured the Palace. We are hanging out now at the airport in London - we have about 5 hours to kill before hoping on our 9 hour flight. Then home to Teddy - I am so excited to see my dog.......I have been dreaming about it - thats weird but what can I say I am nuts for the little guy. I am attaching pictures from yesterdays adventure. See you all soon!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lisa in Monaco!

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View from the palace in Monaco

This message was sent to you by Tamara's blackberry.


This message was sent to you by Tamara's blackberry.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

We are tasting the life of luxury in southern France. Since my last blog, we visited St. Tropez ( you know- for the St. Tropez tan) visiting the 'farmers type' market in the town square open only on Tuesdays. It also happened to be Bastille Day which is some big celebration like our fourth of July. It seemed as though most of the country was on "holiday".
In St. Tropez, designer shops- aka D&G, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent-and billionaires with unbelievable  yachts meet the old town of St. Tropez and common folk as ourselves. 

Right now I am the point of hilarious laughter because my original spelling and pronunciation of Dolce Gabbana translated in French as - 12 shrimps. Hey, I shop at Target, Rite Aid and True Value. What did you expect? Tammy just threw Victoria in the pool so I feel better.( to stop Vic's laughter I'm going to have her spell supercalafragalisticexpealadouchous and explain to me why Julie Andrews would be so damn happy taking care of all those children. HA!)

Yesterday we went to the Port of Grimaud just a few miles from our villa the where the town was laid out like Venice Italy. Little waterways are accessible by boat through this quaint village. We had a quick lunch since we were hotter than the crepe pan sitting outside at noontime. More poolside fun and a luscious home cooked dinner under the stars completes yet another 5 star day.